Biofuel and Energy Crops
A Demonstration of Grass Biomass Production on Molokai R. V. Osgood, N. S. Dudley, and L.A. Jakeway
Jatropha Research at Kunia for 2009 and 2010 Lance T. Santo and Jamie R. Barton, Hawaii Agriculture Research Center Steve Luckett, Hawaiian Electric Company
Biodiesel Crop Implementation in Hawaii Michael D. Poteet
2007 International Visits Exploring the Research, Breeding, Processing, and Commercialization of Jatropha curcas M. D. Poteet, R. V. Osgood
Energy Inventory of Hawaiian Sugar Plantations - 1995 B. J. Somera and K. K. Wu
Jatropha Research at Kunia for 2009 and 2010 Lance T. Santo and Jamie R. Barton, Hawaii Agriculture Research Center Steve Luckett, Hawaiian Electric Company
Biodiesel Crop Implementation in Hawaii Michael D. Poteet
2007 International Visits Exploring the Research, Breeding, Processing, and Commercialization of Jatropha curcas M. D. Poteet, R. V. Osgood
Energy Inventory of Hawaiian Sugar Plantations - 1995 B. J. Somera and K. K. Wu
Selection of Potentially elite Individual Coffee Trees in Five Coffee Growing Areas in Hawaii C. Nagai, W. S. Sun, R. V. Osgood, F.C. Meinzer and H. C. Bittenbender
Vegetative Propagation of Coffae arabica L. Using Softwood Cuttings W. Sun, C. Nagai, R. V. Osgood
Use of Ethephon and Gibberellic Acid for Synchronizing Fruit Ripening in Hawaiian Coffee Orchards M. J. Clearwater, F. C. Meinzer, R. V. Osgood
Vegetative Propagation of Coffae arabica L. Using Softwood Cuttings W. Sun, C. Nagai, R. V. Osgood
Use of Ethephon and Gibberellic Acid for Synchronizing Fruit Ripening in Hawaiian Coffee Orchards M. J. Clearwater, F. C. Meinzer, R. V. Osgood
The Effects of Irrigation and Fertilizer on Vetiver Establishment J. R. Barton, L. T. Santo and J. Brokish
Effect of Pruning on Vetiver at the HARC Kunia experiment Station J. R. Barton and L. T. Santo
Effect of Pruning on Vetiver at the HARC Kunia experiment Station J. R. Barton and L. T. Santo
Diversified Crops
Fingerprinting of Cacao Germplasm in Hawaii C. Nagai
Vegetable Variety Trials John J. Mc Hugh, Jr.
Evaluating Eucalyptus Urophylla Provinces for Short Rotation Forestry N. S. Dudley and R, V. Osgood
Growing Barley for Short-Term Cover Cropping Green Manure and/or Forage Production in Leeward Oahu M.T. Austin, R. V. Osgood, L. Jakeway and J.R. Carpenter
Clopyralid on Short Rotation Tree Plantation at Hamakua, Hawaii L. T. Santo
Selection of Potentially elite Individual Coffee Trees in Five Coffee Growing Areas in Hawaii C. Nagai, W. S. Sun, R. V. Osgood, F.C. Meinzer and H. C. Bittenbender
Herbicide Screening in Stevia for Crop Phytotoxicity at Gay & Robinson, Inc. L. T. Santo
Authority and Pentagon in Stevia L. T. Santo
Soil Incorporation of Cover crop Biomass: Effects on Soil Microorganisms and Nitrogen Levels S. Schenck
Evaluation of Asparagus as a New Crop for Hawaii S. Schenck, J. J. Mc Hugh, Jr., and M. T. Austin
Asparagus Production and Variety Yields S. Schenck
Molasses Soil Amendment for Crop Improvement and Nematode Management S. Schenck
Monitoring a Newly-Introduced Watercress Leafhopper in Central Oahu Hugh A. Smith, Hawaii Agriculture Research Center John J. McHugh, Jr., Crop Care Hawaii Bernarr R. Kumashiro, Hawaii Department of Agriculture
Control of Nematodes in Tomato with Paecilomyces lilacinus Strain 251 S. Schenck
Vegetable Variety Trials John J. Mc Hugh, Jr.
Evaluating Eucalyptus Urophylla Provinces for Short Rotation Forestry N. S. Dudley and R, V. Osgood
Growing Barley for Short-Term Cover Cropping Green Manure and/or Forage Production in Leeward Oahu M.T. Austin, R. V. Osgood, L. Jakeway and J.R. Carpenter
Clopyralid on Short Rotation Tree Plantation at Hamakua, Hawaii L. T. Santo
Selection of Potentially elite Individual Coffee Trees in Five Coffee Growing Areas in Hawaii C. Nagai, W. S. Sun, R. V. Osgood, F.C. Meinzer and H. C. Bittenbender
Herbicide Screening in Stevia for Crop Phytotoxicity at Gay & Robinson, Inc. L. T. Santo
Authority and Pentagon in Stevia L. T. Santo
Soil Incorporation of Cover crop Biomass: Effects on Soil Microorganisms and Nitrogen Levels S. Schenck
Evaluation of Asparagus as a New Crop for Hawaii S. Schenck, J. J. Mc Hugh, Jr., and M. T. Austin
Asparagus Production and Variety Yields S. Schenck
Molasses Soil Amendment for Crop Improvement and Nematode Management S. Schenck
Monitoring a Newly-Introduced Watercress Leafhopper in Central Oahu Hugh A. Smith, Hawaii Agriculture Research Center John J. McHugh, Jr., Crop Care Hawaii Bernarr R. Kumashiro, Hawaii Department of Agriculture
Control of Nematodes in Tomato with Paecilomyces lilacinus Strain 251 S. Schenck
Wood Ear (Pepeiao) Production in Forest Understory Susan Schenck and Nicklos S. Dudley
Specialty Crop Production in a Forestry Understory: Olena, Maile, Palapalai and ‘Awa Nicklos S. Dudley and Jodi Yamasaki
A Guide to Determining Wood Properties of Acacia koa Nicklos S. Dudley and Jodi Yamasaki
Fertilization of Eucalyptus for Rapid Canopy Closure on the Hamakua Coast in Pa’auilo Lance T. Santo
Establishment of a Genetically Diverse, Disease-Resistant Acacia koa A. Gray Seed Orchard in Kokee, Kauai: Early Growth, Form, and Survival N. Dudley, T. Jones, K. Gerber, A.L. Ross-Davis, R. A. Sniezko, P. Cannon, J. Dobbs
Specialty Crop Production in a Forestry Understory: Olena, Maile, Palapalai and ‘Awa Nicklos S. Dudley and Jodi Yamasaki
A Guide to Determining Wood Properties of Acacia koa Nicklos S. Dudley and Jodi Yamasaki
Fertilization of Eucalyptus for Rapid Canopy Closure on the Hamakua Coast in Pa’auilo Lance T. Santo
Establishment of a Genetically Diverse, Disease-Resistant Acacia koa A. Gray Seed Orchard in Kokee, Kauai: Early Growth, Form, and Survival N. Dudley, T. Jones, K. Gerber, A.L. Ross-Davis, R. A. Sniezko, P. Cannon, J. Dobbs
History of Hawaii Agriculture Research Center and Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association
A History of the Experiment Station of the Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association 1895-1945 A. R. Grammer
A History of the Experiment Station, Hawaiian Sugar Planters’ Association: Agricultural Progress through Cooperation and Science 1946-1996
Don J. Heinz and Robert V. Osgood
A History of the Experiment Station, Hawaiian Sugar Planters’ Association: Agricultural Progress through Cooperation and Science 1946-1996
Don J. Heinz and Robert V. Osgood
Advances in Control of Yellow Leaf Syndrome S. Schenck
Yellow Leaf Syndrome S. Schenck, A.T. Lehrer, K.K. Wu
New Race of Sugarcane Smut on Maui S. Schenck
Yellow Leaf Syndrome S. Schenck, A.T. Lehrer, K.K. Wu
New Race of Sugarcane Smut on Maui S. Schenck
Tropical Crops
Production of Transgenic Hybrid Papaya Seed in Hawaii Timothy F. Wenslaff and Robert V. Osgood
Infestation of Sybra alternans, (Cerambycidae: Coleoptera), a Long-Horned Beetle in a Hawaii Banana Plantation Hong Chen, Asher Ota, and Greg Fonsah
Production of UH Sunup Transgenic Papaya Seed in Hawaii Timothy F. Wenslaff and Robert V. Osgood
Clonal Propagation of Papaya Through Micropropagation and Rooted Cuttings Aileen Yeh and Maureen Fitch
Micropropagation of Hermaphrodite Papayas: Increased Root Induction and Plant Survival during Acclimation Maureen M. M. Fitch, Mary Joy Ancheta, Luyen C. Huynh, Xiaoling He, Marjorie A. Ortega, Hideko K. Fields, Carol M. Murakami, Josienellie R. Shaw, and Jeremiah-James Lopez
Infestation of Sybra alternans, (Cerambycidae: Coleoptera), a Long-Horned Beetle in a Hawaii Banana Plantation Hong Chen, Asher Ota, and Greg Fonsah
Production of UH Sunup Transgenic Papaya Seed in Hawaii Timothy F. Wenslaff and Robert V. Osgood
Clonal Propagation of Papaya Through Micropropagation and Rooted Cuttings Aileen Yeh and Maureen Fitch
Micropropagation of Hermaphrodite Papayas: Increased Root Induction and Plant Survival during Acclimation Maureen M. M. Fitch, Mary Joy Ancheta, Luyen C. Huynh, Xiaoling He, Marjorie A. Ortega, Hideko K. Fields, Carol M. Murakami, Josienellie R. Shaw, and Jeremiah-James Lopez