Susan Schenck, Ph.D.
Plant Pathologist
Disease Diagnosis and Control, Microbiology, Nematology (808) 621-1386 [email protected] |
Academic Qualifications
Current Research
Seed field inspections and disease diagnostics for commercial plantation. Disease control recommendations for seed cane and crop cane fields. Sugarcane disease control research with bacterial, fungal and viral diseases. Screening of newly developed varieties for susceptibility to smut, Ustilago scitaminea, leaf scald, Xanthomonas albilineans, and eyespot disease, Bipolarus sacchari. Disease screening for maintenance of disease-free quarantined sugarcane imported for breeding for production of true seed for mainland clients and for energy cane development and for the world collection of Saccharum officinarum varieties. Sugarcane yellow leaf virus basic research into transmission and spread of the virus, development of diagnostic and disease screening techniques, screening of sugarcane varieties for susceptibility and virus titre content and yield loss estimates and identification of possible alternate hosts.
Plant Disease Control
Identification and isolation of plant disease organisms for HARC clients and for HARC research projects on various crops and recommendations for their control.
Imports and Quarantine
Plant and microorganism interisland, mainland, and foreign import and export permits and quarantine regulations for HARC. Hawaii State Subcommittee on importing plants and microorganisms. Overseeing of quarantine procedures and disease diagnostic procedures for plants and micropropagules imported by HARC for research and breeding.
Isolation, identification and culture collection maintenance of Fusarium oxysporum for virulence testing on koa seedlings. Inoculum production for koa seedling screening for resistance to koa wilt. Koa soil screening for Fusarium population estimations.
Identification of nematode species damaging to various crops in conjunction with HARC research projects and services to local farmers. Soil sampling for nematode population estimates. Inoculation of plant materials for research and maintenance of axenic cultures of Radopholus similis for anthurium research.
Research into bioremediation of soils and commercial surfaces contaminated with pesticides, explosive chemical residues and other chemicals. Techniques involve the use of certain saprophytic basidiomycete fungi capable of metabolizing chlorinated hydrocarbon as well as soil amelioration with molasses and other amendments for enhancement of existing soil bacteria capable of metabolizing chemical contaminants.
Selected Publications
Zhu, Y.J., S.T.S. Lim, S. Schenck, A. Arcinas, and E. Komor. 2010. RT-PCR and quantitative real-time RT-PCR detection of Sugarcane yellow leaf virus (SCYLV) in symptomatic and asymptomatic plants of Hawaiian sugarcane cultivars and the correlation of SCYLV titre to yield. European Journal of Plant Pathology 127:263-273.
McHugh, J., M. Johnson, K. Kinvig, L. Schofield, S. Schenck, R. Osgood, J. Deenik, S. Nakamoto, R. Monandhar, and M. Wright. 2008. Accelerating cover crop technology adoption through field demonstrations using sunn hemp, oats and buckwheat in rotational commercial crops. Hawaii Agriculture Conference September 4-, Honolulu.
Babcock, R.W.,Jr., S. Turnbull, and S. Schenck. 2008. Bioremediation and phytoremediation of RDX and HMX in tropical soils. (poster) Partners in Environmental Technology Symposium of SERDP-ESTCP, Washington DC.
Rott, P., T.E. Mirkov, S. Schenck, and J.-C. Girard. 2007. Recent advances in research on Sugarcane Yellow Leaf Virus, the causal agent of sugarcane yellow leaf. Proceedings of the International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists, Vol. 26: 968-977.
Fitch, M., T. Leong, H. Albert, S. Schenck, P. Moore, H. McCafferty, J. Zhu, D. Gonsalves, 2007. Screening of transgenic anthuriums for bacterial blight and nematode resistance. In Vitro Cell Developmental Biology. 43:S41.
Wang, M-L., S. Schenck, and H. Albert. 2005. Antibody to a short peptide sequence detected sugarcane yellow leaf virus isolates from several sources. Sugar Cane International. 23(3):25-27.
Schenck, S., H.M. Pearl, Z. Liu, P.H. Moore, and R. Ming. 2005. Genetic variation of Ustilago scitaminea pathotypes in Hawaii evaluated by host range and AFLP markers. Sugar Cane International. 23(1):15-19.
Schenck, S., M.W. Crepeau, K.K. Wu, P.H. Moore, Q. Yu, and R. Ming. 2004. Genetic diversity and relationships in native Hawaiian Saccharum officinarum sugarcanes. Journal of Heredity 95:336-340.
Schenck, S. 2001. Sugarcane Yellow Leaf Syndrome: History and Current Concepts. pp 25-35 In Current Trends in Sugarcane Pathology, Vol. II Virus and Phytoplasma Diseases. G.P. Rao, R.E. Ford, M. Tosic, and D.S. Teakle, Eds. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India.
Schenck, S. and A.T. Lehrer. 2000. Factors affecting the transmission and spread of sugarcane yellowleaf virus. Plant Disease 84:1085-1088.
Schenck, S. 1999. Molecular aspects of the sugarcane smut disease pathogen, Ustilago scitaminea. pp 131-139 In Current Trends in Sugarcane Pathology, Volume I: Fungal Diseases. G.P. Rao, A.B. Filho, R.C. Magarey, and R.J.C. Autrey, Eds. Science Publishers, Inc.,:Enfield, NH, USA.
Dudley, N.S. and S. Schenck. 1998. Log culture of Auricularia polytricha utilizing different woody substrates in Hawaii. (Abstr.) North American Conference on Enterprise Development Through Agroforestry: Farming the Agroforest for Specialty Products. October 4-7, 1998. Minneapolis, MN.
Schenck, S., J.S. Hu, and B.E. Lockhart. 1997. Use of tissue blot immunoassay (TBIA) to determine the distribution Sugarcane yellow leaf virus in Hawaii. Sugar Cane 1997 (4):5-8.
Albert, H. and S. Schenck 1996. Development of a sensitive assay for detection of sugarcane smut disease caused by Ustilago scitaminea. Plant disease 80:1175-1178.
Alvarez, A.M., S. Schenck, and A.A. Benedict. 1996. Differentiation of Xanthomonas albilineans strains with monoclonal antibody reaction patterns and DNA fingerprints. Plant Pathology 45:358-366.
Schenck, S. and D. Schneck. 1994. Determination of a management strategy for nematode pests of Hawaiian coffee. International Journal of Pest Management 40:283-285.
Bournival, B.L., H.S. Ginoza, S. Schenck, and P.H. Moore. 1994. Characterization of sugarcane response to Bipolaris sacchari:inoculations and host specific HS-toxin. Phytopathology 84:672-676.
Schenck, S. and D.P. Schmitt. 1992. Survey of nematodes on coffee in Hawaii. Journal of Nematology: Supplement 24:771-775.
Schenck, S. 1990. Correlations of Rotylenchulus reniformis population densities with 1,3,-dichloropropene dosage rate and pineapple yields. Journal of Nematology 22:735-739.
Seed field inspections and disease diagnostics for commercial plantation. Disease control recommendations for seed cane and crop cane fields. Sugarcane disease control research with bacterial, fungal and viral diseases. Screening of newly developed varieties for susceptibility to smut, Ustilago scitaminea, leaf scald, Xanthomonas albilineans, and eyespot disease, Bipolarus sacchari. Disease screening for maintenance of disease-free quarantined sugarcane imported for breeding for production of true seed for mainland clients and for energy cane development and for the world collection of Saccharum officinarum varieties. Sugarcane yellow leaf virus basic research into transmission and spread of the virus, development of diagnostic and disease screening techniques, screening of sugarcane varieties for susceptibility and virus titre content and yield loss estimates and identification of possible alternate hosts.
Plant Disease Control
Identification and isolation of plant disease organisms for HARC clients and for HARC research projects on various crops and recommendations for their control.
Imports and Quarantine
Plant and microorganism interisland, mainland, and foreign import and export permits and quarantine regulations for HARC. Hawaii State Subcommittee on importing plants and microorganisms. Overseeing of quarantine procedures and disease diagnostic procedures for plants and micropropagules imported by HARC for research and breeding.
Isolation, identification and culture collection maintenance of Fusarium oxysporum for virulence testing on koa seedlings. Inoculum production for koa seedling screening for resistance to koa wilt. Koa soil screening for Fusarium population estimations.
Identification of nematode species damaging to various crops in conjunction with HARC research projects and services to local farmers. Soil sampling for nematode population estimates. Inoculation of plant materials for research and maintenance of axenic cultures of Radopholus similis for anthurium research.
Research into bioremediation of soils and commercial surfaces contaminated with pesticides, explosive chemical residues and other chemicals. Techniques involve the use of certain saprophytic basidiomycete fungi capable of metabolizing chlorinated hydrocarbon as well as soil amelioration with molasses and other amendments for enhancement of existing soil bacteria capable of metabolizing chemical contaminants.
Selected Publications
Zhu, Y.J., S.T.S. Lim, S. Schenck, A. Arcinas, and E. Komor. 2010. RT-PCR and quantitative real-time RT-PCR detection of Sugarcane yellow leaf virus (SCYLV) in symptomatic and asymptomatic plants of Hawaiian sugarcane cultivars and the correlation of SCYLV titre to yield. European Journal of Plant Pathology 127:263-273.
McHugh, J., M. Johnson, K. Kinvig, L. Schofield, S. Schenck, R. Osgood, J. Deenik, S. Nakamoto, R. Monandhar, and M. Wright. 2008. Accelerating cover crop technology adoption through field demonstrations using sunn hemp, oats and buckwheat in rotational commercial crops. Hawaii Agriculture Conference September 4-, Honolulu.
Babcock, R.W.,Jr., S. Turnbull, and S. Schenck. 2008. Bioremediation and phytoremediation of RDX and HMX in tropical soils. (poster) Partners in Environmental Technology Symposium of SERDP-ESTCP, Washington DC.
Rott, P., T.E. Mirkov, S. Schenck, and J.-C. Girard. 2007. Recent advances in research on Sugarcane Yellow Leaf Virus, the causal agent of sugarcane yellow leaf. Proceedings of the International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists, Vol. 26: 968-977.
Fitch, M., T. Leong, H. Albert, S. Schenck, P. Moore, H. McCafferty, J. Zhu, D. Gonsalves, 2007. Screening of transgenic anthuriums for bacterial blight and nematode resistance. In Vitro Cell Developmental Biology. 43:S41.
Wang, M-L., S. Schenck, and H. Albert. 2005. Antibody to a short peptide sequence detected sugarcane yellow leaf virus isolates from several sources. Sugar Cane International. 23(3):25-27.
Schenck, S., H.M. Pearl, Z. Liu, P.H. Moore, and R. Ming. 2005. Genetic variation of Ustilago scitaminea pathotypes in Hawaii evaluated by host range and AFLP markers. Sugar Cane International. 23(1):15-19.
Schenck, S., M.W. Crepeau, K.K. Wu, P.H. Moore, Q. Yu, and R. Ming. 2004. Genetic diversity and relationships in native Hawaiian Saccharum officinarum sugarcanes. Journal of Heredity 95:336-340.
Schenck, S. 2001. Sugarcane Yellow Leaf Syndrome: History and Current Concepts. pp 25-35 In Current Trends in Sugarcane Pathology, Vol. II Virus and Phytoplasma Diseases. G.P. Rao, R.E. Ford, M. Tosic, and D.S. Teakle, Eds. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India.
Schenck, S. and A.T. Lehrer. 2000. Factors affecting the transmission and spread of sugarcane yellowleaf virus. Plant Disease 84:1085-1088.
Schenck, S. 1999. Molecular aspects of the sugarcane smut disease pathogen, Ustilago scitaminea. pp 131-139 In Current Trends in Sugarcane Pathology, Volume I: Fungal Diseases. G.P. Rao, A.B. Filho, R.C. Magarey, and R.J.C. Autrey, Eds. Science Publishers, Inc.,:Enfield, NH, USA.
Dudley, N.S. and S. Schenck. 1998. Log culture of Auricularia polytricha utilizing different woody substrates in Hawaii. (Abstr.) North American Conference on Enterprise Development Through Agroforestry: Farming the Agroforest for Specialty Products. October 4-7, 1998. Minneapolis, MN.
Schenck, S., J.S. Hu, and B.E. Lockhart. 1997. Use of tissue blot immunoassay (TBIA) to determine the distribution Sugarcane yellow leaf virus in Hawaii. Sugar Cane 1997 (4):5-8.
Albert, H. and S. Schenck 1996. Development of a sensitive assay for detection of sugarcane smut disease caused by Ustilago scitaminea. Plant disease 80:1175-1178.
Alvarez, A.M., S. Schenck, and A.A. Benedict. 1996. Differentiation of Xanthomonas albilineans strains with monoclonal antibody reaction patterns and DNA fingerprints. Plant Pathology 45:358-366.
Schenck, S. and D. Schneck. 1994. Determination of a management strategy for nematode pests of Hawaiian coffee. International Journal of Pest Management 40:283-285.
Bournival, B.L., H.S. Ginoza, S. Schenck, and P.H. Moore. 1994. Characterization of sugarcane response to Bipolaris sacchari:inoculations and host specific HS-toxin. Phytopathology 84:672-676.
Schenck, S. and D.P. Schmitt. 1992. Survey of nematodes on coffee in Hawaii. Journal of Nematology: Supplement 24:771-775.
Schenck, S. 1990. Correlations of Rotylenchulus reniformis population densities with 1,3,-dichloropropene dosage rate and pineapple yields. Journal of Nematology 22:735-739.