Hermaphrodite Papaya Plants (Rainbow or Laie Gold/Kamiya)
Papaya plants from seeds are either female or hermaphrodite. Fruits from both taste the same but fruit size could be a problem. Hermaphrodites are preferred by growers because of their slender, uniform fruits and consistent fruit size. Females must be pollinated by pollen from hermaphrodite plants. Unpollinated or poorly pollinated female flowers either do not produce fruits or fruits can be too small. Farmers plant several seedlings per hole but don't want females. They wait for flowers and remove excess and unwanted plants. If all plants are females, the replant with more seedlings and wait for more flowers. The HARC hermaphrodite Rainbow and Laie Gold/Kamiya plants in 4” pots are field- or garden-ready. They should be grown for 1 to 2 weeks in full sun then planted in the ground. Flowers can develop in 2 months and ripe fruit harvested in 8 months.
Current inventory:
200 Rainbow plants and 30 Laie Gold/Kamiya plants are immediately available. More plants will be available throughout the year.
To purchase or for inquiries please contact HARC at [email protected]