Ask me about: Forestry, Applied disease resistance selection and breeding in Forest trees: Acacia koa (koa) & Metrosiderous polymorpha (ʻōhiʻa), Forest tree seed and seedling production (koa, ʻiliahi and ʻōhiʻa), and specialty non-timber forest products.
As a Senior Forest Scientist, Nick focuses on a range of applied research applications to address Hawaii’s native forest restoration and reforestation issues. He manages the HARC Forestry Team which includes an emphasis on native Hawaiian forest trees, koa, ʻiliahi and ʻōhiʻa as well as an interest in specialty forest products. And most notably over the last 30 years: his team has worked toward developing disease resistant koa. He started at HARC as a graduate assistant and after finishing his MS degree from the University of Hawaii and has remained in various forestry positions.
Selected Publications
Dudley, N.S., Jones, T.C., Gerber K ; Ross-Davis A. L; Cannon, P.G., Sniezko, R.; Dobbs, J. 2020. Establishment of a Genetically Diverse, Disease-Resistant Acacia koa A. Gray Seed Orchard in Kokee, Kauai: Early Growth Form and Survival. Forests 2020, 11, 1276
Dobbs, J.T., Kim, M.S., Dudley, N.S., Klopfenstein, N.B., Yeh, A., Hauff, R.D., Jones, T.C., Dumroese, R.K., Cannon, P.G., Stewart, J.E. (2020) Whole genome analysis of the koa wilt pathogen (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Koae) and the development of molecular tools for early detection and monitoring. BMC Genomics, 21(1), 764. Https://doi.org/10.1186/s12864-020-07156-y
Dudley, N.S., R.L. James, R.A. Sniezko and A. Yeh. 2007. Investigating Koa wilt and dieback in Hawai'i: Pathogenicity of Fusarium species on Acacia koa seedlings. Native Plants (8)3: 259-266.
James, R.L., N.S. Dudley and R.A. Sniezko. 2007. Wilt/decline of Acacia koa caused by Fusarium oxysporum in Hawaii. Phytopathology 97:S168.
James, R.L., N.S. Dudley and A. Yeh. 2007. Association of Fusarium with wilt and dieback of Acacia koa in Hawaii. Phytopathology 97:S51.
James, R.L., N.S. Dudley and A Yeh. 2006. Investigating koa wilt in Hawai'i: examining Acacia koa seeds and seedpods for Fusarium species. Native Plants Journal 7(3):307-310.
Dudley, N. 2006. Koa (Acacia koa), The Hawaiian Acacia: Acacia Variation, Utilization, and Marketing. In proceeding of 4th Blackwood Workshop: Australian Blackwood Industry Group: Acacia utilization and management: adding value. April 26-29 2006 Melbourne and Eastern Victoria, Australia.
Dudley, N., D. Adamski, A.Yeh, and R. James.2006. Koa Wilt Distribution and Evaluation of Fusarium Pathogenicity in Acacia koa in the State of Hawaii. In proceeding of the 2006 Hawaii Conservation Conference. July 26-28 2006 Honlulu, Hawaii.
Dudley N. R.L.James, Richard Sniezko, and A. Yeh. 2006. Investigating Koa wilt in Hawaii: Pathogenicity of four Fuarium species on Acacia koa seedling. Native Plant Journal, In press.
Scowcroft, P.G., J.Friday, T. Idol, N.Dudley, J. Haraguchi, and D. Meason. 2006. Growth of Acacia koa Trees to Thinning, Grass Control, and Phosphorus Fertilization in a Secondary Stand in Hawaii. Forest Ecology and Management. In Press
N. Dudley and J Quinn. 2004. Hawaii Hardwood Market Study. The State of Hawaii, Dept. of Land and Natural Resources. http:/ www.state.hi.us./dlnr/dofaw/pubs.
N. Dudley, R. Anderson, R.A. Sniezko, A. Oguchi. 2004. Family Variation in Field Survival of Acacia koa: Prototype testing for variation in Genetic Resistance to Koa Wilt (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. koae). International Union of Forestry Research Organizations, Division 2. Nov. 1-5, Charleston, SC.
N. Dudley and M.C. Jackson. 2003. Evaluating Hawaiian 'Awa (Piper methysticum) varieties for growth performance and kavalactone concentration in a Koa Agroforestry system. International Union of Forestry Research Organizations, Division 5. Mar 11-15, Rotorua, New Zealand.
Daehler C., and N. Dudley. 2002. Impact of the black twig borer, an introduced insect pest, on Acacia koa in the Hawaiian Islands. Micronesica Supplement 6:35-53.
Dudley N. 2000. A Guide to Determining Wood Properties of Acacia koa. HARC Forestry Report No. 3. http:/www.hawaiiag.org/harc.
Daehler C., M. Yorkston, W. Sun, N. Dudley. 1999. Genetic Variation in Morphology and Growth Characters of Acacia koa in the Hawaiian Islands. Int. J. Plant Sci. 160(4): 767-773.
Dudley N. and S. Schenck. 1999. Log Culture of Auricularia polytricha Utilizing Different Woody Substrates in Hawaii. Pages 159-160 in S. Josiah, ed. Proceeding of the North American Conference on Enterprise Development Through Agroforestry: Farming the Forest for Specialty Products. Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Dudley, N. S. 1995. Seed Production Guidelines for Tropical Tree Legumes. Agroforestry for the Pacific Technologies. Number 14. Agroforestry Information Service, Winrock International.
Nagai, C. and N. S. Dudley. 1995. Micropropagation of Eucalyptus spp. for Clonal Evaluation. Proc. Hawaii Agriculture: Positioning for Growth Conference. CTAHR, UHM.
Dudley, N. S. and R. V. Osgood. 1995. Evaluating Eucalyptus urophylla Provenances for short rotation Forestry Proc. Hawaii Agriculture: Positioning for Growth Conference. CTAHR, UHM.
Dudley, N. S. and J. H. Fownes. 1992. Preliminary biomass equations for eight species of fast-growing tropical trees. Journal of Tropical Forest Science 5 (1):68-73.
Dudley, N. S. and R. V. Osgood. 1990. K636 growth performance and seed availability in Hawaii, Leucaena Research Reports 11:140.
Osgood, R. V. and N. S. Dudley. 1989.Tree and grass biomass comparisons-Progress report for second year. 3rd Pacific Biofuels Conf., Waianae, Oahu.
Dudley, N. S. 1988. Performance of fast growing tropical trees in diverse Hawaiian environments 1988. Proc. Special Symposium on Agroforestry and Land Use Systems, ASA Meeting.
Osgood, R. V. and N. S. Dudley. 1987. Comparison yield trials with tree and grass energy crops in Hawaii. A preliminary report on current research. 2nd Pacific Biofuels Conf., Kapaa, Kauai.
Osgood, R. V. and N. S. Dudley. 1987. Tree and grass biomass comparisons-Progress report. Proc., 1987 Hawaiian Sugar Technol.
Dobbs, J.T., Kim, M.S., Dudley, N.S., Klopfenstein, N.B., Yeh, A., Hauff, R.D., Jones, T.C., Dumroese, R.K., Cannon, P.G., Stewart, J.E. (2020) Whole genome analysis of the koa wilt pathogen (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Koae) and the development of molecular tools for early detection and monitoring. BMC Genomics, 21(1), 764. Https://doi.org/10.1186/s12864-020-07156-y
Dudley, N.S., R.L. James, R.A. Sniezko and A. Yeh. 2007. Investigating Koa wilt and dieback in Hawai'i: Pathogenicity of Fusarium species on Acacia koa seedlings. Native Plants (8)3: 259-266.
James, R.L., N.S. Dudley and R.A. Sniezko. 2007. Wilt/decline of Acacia koa caused by Fusarium oxysporum in Hawaii. Phytopathology 97:S168.
James, R.L., N.S. Dudley and A. Yeh. 2007. Association of Fusarium with wilt and dieback of Acacia koa in Hawaii. Phytopathology 97:S51.
James, R.L., N.S. Dudley and A Yeh. 2006. Investigating koa wilt in Hawai'i: examining Acacia koa seeds and seedpods for Fusarium species. Native Plants Journal 7(3):307-310.
Dudley, N. 2006. Koa (Acacia koa), The Hawaiian Acacia: Acacia Variation, Utilization, and Marketing. In proceeding of 4th Blackwood Workshop: Australian Blackwood Industry Group: Acacia utilization and management: adding value. April 26-29 2006 Melbourne and Eastern Victoria, Australia.
Dudley, N., D. Adamski, A.Yeh, and R. James.2006. Koa Wilt Distribution and Evaluation of Fusarium Pathogenicity in Acacia koa in the State of Hawaii. In proceeding of the 2006 Hawaii Conservation Conference. July 26-28 2006 Honlulu, Hawaii.
Dudley N. R.L.James, Richard Sniezko, and A. Yeh. 2006. Investigating Koa wilt in Hawaii: Pathogenicity of four Fuarium species on Acacia koa seedling. Native Plant Journal, In press.
Scowcroft, P.G., J.Friday, T. Idol, N.Dudley, J. Haraguchi, and D. Meason. 2006. Growth of Acacia koa Trees to Thinning, Grass Control, and Phosphorus Fertilization in a Secondary Stand in Hawaii. Forest Ecology and Management. In Press
N. Dudley and J Quinn. 2004. Hawaii Hardwood Market Study. The State of Hawaii, Dept. of Land and Natural Resources. http:/ www.state.hi.us./dlnr/dofaw/pubs.
N. Dudley, R. Anderson, R.A. Sniezko, A. Oguchi. 2004. Family Variation in Field Survival of Acacia koa: Prototype testing for variation in Genetic Resistance to Koa Wilt (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. koae). International Union of Forestry Research Organizations, Division 2. Nov. 1-5, Charleston, SC.
N. Dudley and M.C. Jackson. 2003. Evaluating Hawaiian 'Awa (Piper methysticum) varieties for growth performance and kavalactone concentration in a Koa Agroforestry system. International Union of Forestry Research Organizations, Division 5. Mar 11-15, Rotorua, New Zealand.
Daehler C., and N. Dudley. 2002. Impact of the black twig borer, an introduced insect pest, on Acacia koa in the Hawaiian Islands. Micronesica Supplement 6:35-53.
Dudley N. 2000. A Guide to Determining Wood Properties of Acacia koa. HARC Forestry Report No. 3. http:/www.hawaiiag.org/harc.
Daehler C., M. Yorkston, W. Sun, N. Dudley. 1999. Genetic Variation in Morphology and Growth Characters of Acacia koa in the Hawaiian Islands. Int. J. Plant Sci. 160(4): 767-773.
Dudley N. and S. Schenck. 1999. Log Culture of Auricularia polytricha Utilizing Different Woody Substrates in Hawaii. Pages 159-160 in S. Josiah, ed. Proceeding of the North American Conference on Enterprise Development Through Agroforestry: Farming the Forest for Specialty Products. Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Dudley, N. S. 1995. Seed Production Guidelines for Tropical Tree Legumes. Agroforestry for the Pacific Technologies. Number 14. Agroforestry Information Service, Winrock International.
Nagai, C. and N. S. Dudley. 1995. Micropropagation of Eucalyptus spp. for Clonal Evaluation. Proc. Hawaii Agriculture: Positioning for Growth Conference. CTAHR, UHM.
Dudley, N. S. and R. V. Osgood. 1995. Evaluating Eucalyptus urophylla Provenances for short rotation Forestry Proc. Hawaii Agriculture: Positioning for Growth Conference. CTAHR, UHM.
Dudley, N. S. and J. H. Fownes. 1992. Preliminary biomass equations for eight species of fast-growing tropical trees. Journal of Tropical Forest Science 5 (1):68-73.
Dudley, N. S. and R. V. Osgood. 1990. K636 growth performance and seed availability in Hawaii, Leucaena Research Reports 11:140.
Osgood, R. V. and N. S. Dudley. 1989.Tree and grass biomass comparisons-Progress report for second year. 3rd Pacific Biofuels Conf., Waianae, Oahu.
Dudley, N. S. 1988. Performance of fast growing tropical trees in diverse Hawaiian environments 1988. Proc. Special Symposium on Agroforestry and Land Use Systems, ASA Meeting.
Osgood, R. V. and N. S. Dudley. 1987. Comparison yield trials with tree and grass energy crops in Hawaii. A preliminary report on current research. 2nd Pacific Biofuels Conf., Kapaa, Kauai.
Osgood, R. V. and N. S. Dudley. 1987. Tree and grass biomass comparisons-Progress report. Proc., 1987 Hawaiian Sugar Technol.